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Midheaven Based Brand Name: Should you use your own name?

Choose a midheaven based brand name

✨ How to select your brand name based on your Astrological Midheaven ✨

πŸ‘‰πŸ» If you are new to the Midheaven make sure you download this free Midheaven PDF Cheatsheet before reading this article!

πŸ‘‰πŸ» You can also read more about the Midheaven and how it can help you go viral here

Whether it’s a brand, a business, and agency, or a social media platform, we typically have to come up with a name for that entity to be known by. For many this can be an obstacle when they want to find the perfect name and can even prevent people from moving forward at all (I speak from experience).

While in general I think it’s better to just pick a name and start, you still have to pick a name. So, even though I would advise you to not spend too long on choosing a name (instead start your project and let the name become obvious), I want to give some astrological based suggestions for what to start with when you begin this process. Specifically, I’m going to talk about how to choose a Midheaven based brand name.

Some things to Remember When Choosing your Brand Name:

Because the Midheaven is the part of your chart that is most visible to those in the public/professional sphere, it’s a good place to start when selecting a brand name. In particular, the Midheaven can give us valuable insight into whether or not it would be wise to use our personal name for our business.

🚨 Please remember that everyone’s chart is different and it is entirely possible that your chart could be arranged in a way that would completely negate the advice I give here. Your intuition should always lead you. These suggestions are here to inspire you to think outside of your comfort zone and consider possibilities you hadn’t before. Please do not allow anything I say here to make you feel panicked or boxed in. Also keep in mind, this is a THEORY that I am coming up with. This is not an ancient law or secret code (as far as I’m aware). Engage with these suggestions as a scientist and feel free to contribute to the conversation.

Now, with that in mine, let’s get to the suggestions!

Should you use your personal name or a seperate name for your brand based on your Midheaven?

Aries Midheaven: yes

Aries Midheaven is all about you. You are meant to known as leaders and pioneers. They explore places and ideas that other people haven’t yet. It’s the individual’s personal conviction and determination that needs to come through here. What better way to become known as a leader than being known by name? The Libra IC will prefer deferring attention to keep everyone happy, but this is not a good strategy. Using your personal name as your brand or business name is definitely in alignment with this energy. It could even help you lean into your Aries Midheaven energy more effectively.

Taurus Midheaven: yes

This midheaven placement emphasizes honesty, straightforwardness, and transparency. Using your personal name as your brand name reflects these Taurus traits well. That being said, if you can think of a different name that embodies the essence of Taurus and the concepts I mentioned at the beginning that could also word. You just don’t want to give the Scorpio IC too much of an opportunity to hide in the shadows and revert back to secretly trying to control the external world. So, to summarize, I would default to using your name unless you’ve got another really good idea.

Gemini Midheaven: leaning towards no

The essence of a Gemini midheaven is curiosity and being open to the perspectives and opinions of others. To me this emphasizes the focus being on others rather than the self. If a Gemini Midheaven were to use their own name, my suspicion is that the Sagittarius IC default to ignore the possibility of differing perspectives being right would have too strong of a foothold. If you have a Gemini Midheaven, select a name that invites connection and shows people that you are interested in their perspective. This is easiest to achieve when you do not use your own name as your brand name.

Cancer Midheaven: can go either way

Cancer Midheaven aims to create emotional safety whether through physical space, digital space, words, art, actions, etc. When selecting a brand name, consider what is going to create the most nurturing and safe effect. Knowing your personal name might make people feel more connected to you. Alternatively, you might have an idea for a name that creates an idea of a safe haven. You can achieve the Cancer Midheaven essence easily either way. So far, the themes of the Cancer/Capricorn axis don’t indicate to me that either option would be problematic. There is something to be said for the family theme that is associated with Cancer. Having a name that allows people to feel like part of a group or family may be helpful. Using a name other than your own could also mitigate the Capricorn IC comfort zone.

Leo Midheaven: YES

This axis is where things get a little clearer. Leo Midheaven wants to be in the spotlight but feels an aversion to it at the same time. Their Aquarius IC feels much more comfortable behind the scenes. But with the energy of Leo at the Midheaven it is particularly important that you are front and centre in your public life. Your talents and personal magnetism are here to inspire others. The effect you have on the world will be through your personal creativity and playfulness. It is quite important for Leo Midheavens to use their own name for their brand. This at least makes it easier to embrace the energy of the Leo MC. A name that emphasizes the individual and their talents could potentially work if you are completely against using your own name.

Virgo Midheaven: leaning towards yes

The focus of Virgo Midheaven is service. Often in health related fields as well as communication. The way that a Virgo Midheaven has an effect on the world is through providing practical solutions and assisting where needed. This is another placement where I don’t think it’s terribly important either way. However, if I were to lean in one direction I would say the Virgo Midheaven should use their personal name. This is because of the Pisces IC. The Pisces IC has a tendency to lose itself in the oneness of everything and lose any sense of personal identity. For this reason I think using your personal name could be helpful to ground yourself into reality and truly embody the practical essence of Virgo.

Libra Midheaven: leaning towards no

Libra Midheaven is the opposite of Aries Midheaven, the sign of the individual. This placement much more focused on others than on the self in theory. The essence of Libra is to connect people together, to facilitate conversation, understanding of perspectives, and harmonious communication to create a fairer, more peaceful, more just world. Often beauty and charm make these things happen. Because of the focus on others I think that Libra Midheaven would make the most sense with a brand name that is different from your personal name. It draws attention to the fact that Libra MC is trying to make something happen outside of themself.

Scorpio Midheaven: No

My Midheaven is Scorpio. For at least a decade I ran a business using my own name as the business name (very reflective of my Taurus IC comfort zone). I did well enough although it never got to the point where it was sustainable financially. It also didn’t flow properly because I knew it wasn’t what I was meant to be doing. I experienced success at a level I never had before very shortly after I intentionally embraced my Scorpio Midheaven energy . Enter Astrological Photographer.

Scorpio Midheaven is about investigating information, digging to the bottom of a situation to get to the truth, and using what they find to fight for authenticity. This placement also has a reputation for preferring privacy and and mystery. I think that a Scorpio Midheaven based brand name is most aligned with not using your own name but rather choosing something that reflects Scorpio’s preference for being a little bit mysterious.

Sagittarius Midheaven: Yes

Sagittarius is like the nutty professor who’s been at a University for 50 years and hangs out in the classroom before class chatting with students about philosophy. This placement is on a quest for truth, for finding the through lines that weave existence together. Sagittarius likes to think about how collective perspectives affect our existence as humans. If you have a Sagittarius Midheaven, you are here to become known as a teacher or “sage”. How you think and your commitment to your own perspective are a big part of this. Because of the opposing Gemini IC, you will likely default to seeking out the perspectives of others in order to confirm your own. It is ideal to use your own name or some variation of it for your business to emphasize the natural ability you have to guide based on your confidence in your own perspective.

Capricorn Midheaven: leaning towards yes

With Capricorn Midheaven the focus is on trusting your own ability to make practical decisions that will be best for everyone in the long term. Capricorn Midheavens have in inherent gift of being able to separate themselves from the emotionality of a situation. This allows them to see it more clearly. They may be nervous to do this initially because of their Cancer IC. They tend to tune in to the emotional state of those around them in order to remain loyal. This often ends up being detrimental. Having a Capricorn Midheaven means learning that sometimes you have to let go of emotional entanglements. Once they do this, they start making progress. And you are already well equipped to do so. Using your own name is the most aligned with this energy.

Aquarius Midheaven: NO

I have the most anecdotal evidence in favour of not using your personal name for Aquarius Midheaven. This placement also inspired this entire conversation. Many Aquarius Midheavens I have spoken to have found success as soon as they switched to running their business under another company or using a name other than their own. This is because Aquarius is about big picture thinking, not about the individual. Aquarius looks at the world or the community and asks “how can this be done better?”. They then implement improvements in an innovative way. It’s never about exhibiting the talents of the person with the Aquarius MC. This placement is about centring the cause and the people you are trying to help. Focus on the motivation for the improvements you want to implement. Ironically, usually when an Aquarius MC finally does this, they end up being recognized for their talents anyway.

Pisces MC: leaning towards no

If you have a Pisces MC you are here to use imagination and fantasy to show people possibilities. These possibilities open people’s minds to things they hadn’t considered before. There is an inherent awareness of the oneness of everyone with Pisces. People with this placement typically end up using art, writing, singing, or photography to break down barriers between people. (Although it can also be expressed in many other ways). It makes the most sense to use a name that is not your personal name in order to emphasize the collective and symbolic themes of this sign. Not using your name will also mitigate the Virgo IC comfort zone. The tendency is to be too involved in labels and categorizing.

Thoughts? What’s your midheaven and what is your brand name?

Free Midheaven Cheat Sheet PDF: https://graceful-bird-464.myflodesk.com/qcxi5sx48p

For Beginners to the Midheaven: https://www.etsy.com/shop/sixthhousegemini/?etsrc=sdt&section_id=44781885

For 1:1 recommendations: https://sales.astrologicalphotographer.com/midheaven-reading/

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