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 Upgrade your posing game and show up with confidence in every photo you take!

The Secret To Posing Is Hidden In Your Rising Sign

My name is Hannah and I am an Astrologer and Photographer with a background in Fashion Design
(and an obsession with human personality).

It started with Meyers Briggs. Then the Enneagram. Then Astrology. Then the world burst open to me and I fell down a rabbit hole to the wonderland I now find myself in. A place where I get to do the things I love every single day. 

A younger version of me would have a hard time believing that my life could ever look the way it does today. I'm really glad it does though. I am no stranger to slogging through day after day doing things that suck. Draining my energy just for a paycheck. Luckily for me, my patience for menial labour on behalf of other people's dreams disappeared quickly when the stars started telling me that it was ok to do something different. My Sagittarius moon could no longer tolerate my Capricorn ascendant's ability to stay in situations I hated, and when I finally rushed through the door of letting myself be who I am, everything changed. 

I know that my purpose is to assist others on their path to being themselves, and to help them realize it's ok to choose that.

There are few people who will care about the intricacies of your personality as much as I will. 

I could sit and talk with someone about their natal chart, their mbti, their enneagram, their Human Design, for hours and never get bored. Nothing gets me more excited than seeing another person's face light up when they realize there is a way of existing in the world that works for them. Nothing is more satisfying then seeing someone suddenly gain clarity on how to move forward after struggling endlessly with the same issues.
You are not here to struggle. I are...we all are...but you are not here to never make any progress. You are not here to live each day in a hopeless race of productivity. I use Astrology because it's a shortcut to understanding the self at a profound level. I use photography because it's a shortcut to telling your most authentic story in this online world. By combining the two I hope to increase the level of authenticity and true joy in the lives of the people I work with. 

I embrace inclusivity, anti-racism, and trauma informed practices in my business every day.

This looks like treating every human I interact with as a person first, rather than just a "client".
It looks like never using a person's dis-regulated nervous system to my own advantage.

I acknowledge that I will do this imperfectly at times, and I hope that you will feel able to bring my mistakes to my attention so that I can take steps to correct them and make amends.

If you want an astrologer/life coach/photographer who will treat studying your natal chart like a forensic investigation, then you're gonna want to work with me.

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