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 Upgrade your posing game and show up with confidence in every photo you take!

The Secret To Posing Is Hidden In Your Rising Sign


Natal chart readings, digital resources and photography all created with the main goal of helping you and your entrepreneurial adventures reach their fullest potential.

  • This reading is for people who want a deeper understanding of their midheaven placement. If you're an entrepreneur, creative, artist, or have a traditional career, this reading can help you understand what your natal chart has to say about your potential for success in your career and in the world.
  • 20 minutes
  • Fill out the intake form and indicate what you would like me to focus on in your reading
  • You will receive an email with a link to the reading video within 7-10 days!

Midheaven Readings (Pre-Recorded)


purchase a reading

While the Ascendant is often thought of as how we are seen in the world and how we see ourselves, the ascendant is not the whole story. For anyone who wants to have a brand, a business, or a public facing presence of any kind, the Midheaven may actually be a much more valuable placement to refer to when determining how you want to position and present yourself to the world. This is because the midheaven represents the energy that, if harnessed correctly, will result in people seeing you as the most balanced, grounded, and attractive, because when you embrace it you are embracing an energy that balances you out and puts you on the path to your highest potential. 

How To Go Viral With Your Midheaven PDF Guide


Get your midheaven guide

Astrology won't tell you anything you don't already have within you. But it will help you get to those things faster.

Astrology is a high definition mirror. When we gaze into it we are given the opportunity to think objectively about who we really are. It gives us a structured way to think about ourselves and when we use that structure we're able to hold more information than we could if we didn't have it. 

  • 1 hour of reviewing your natal chart 1:1
  • 1 hour photography session
  • your choice of 20 digital photos from the gallery
  • we will review your natal chart and determine what themes, colours, style of photography, and props will be ideal for you
  • we will create photos specifically for whatever purpose you will use them for

Astrology Infused Brand Photography

yes please!


  • 5 1:1 sessions with me
  • A full day photoshoot
  • You will receive a comprehensive digital document containing your astrology and other personality details
  • You will receive a digital magazine featuring the photos from your session as well as written elements based on our discussions of your natal chart
  • This experience package is meant to completely transform the way you see yourself. By alchemizing the vision you have of yourself into reality and taking a photo of you as that version of yourself, your subconscious mind will begin to see you as that version of yourself and your blocks and limitations will start falling away.

The True-Self Retrieval Quest: 

yes please!


An Immersive Astrological Photography Experience

My scorpio midheaven gives me the ability to investigate things in a relentless and strategic way.

If you want to find answers and leave no stone left unturned, then I'm your gal. I approach natal chart reading like a forensic investigation, combined with just the right amount of intuition. I don't promise immediate results but I do promise that when we work together your natal details will become a part of the massive network of connections in my brain that I am constantly analyzing and comparing. The inevitable result being carefully considered insights into what your best next steps could be.