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 Upgrade your posing game and show up with confidence in every photo you take!

The Secret To Posing Is Hidden In Your Rising Sign

I'm a designer, photographer, astrologer, and general personality enthusiast. I've been taking photos of people for over 10 years and have finally figured out how to blend that passion with my passion for understanding human personality. 
I am an INFP, a 5/1 Sacral Generator, a Cancer sun, Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Rising, Enneagram 4wing3...and many other things.
Nothing is more exciting and fulfilling to me than having conversations about astrology and personality. I feel specifically called to help others become more clear about who they are and to empower them to finally step into being the most expansive and amazing version of themself, whether that's in their personal life or in their business.
The power, motivation, and confidence you gain when you truly know yourself is one of the most empowering things you can ever experience.

More about me...

Hi, I'm Hannah

"Hannah's passion and respect for the work made it very easy to buy in and ignore the gnawing anxieties and fears in the back of my head. Our pre-shoot consultations were a huge help in creating something loaded with symbolism and meaning."

"Never in a thousand years did I think I would be photographed in my underwear, on a stage, in a spotlight, alone... and yet, there I was, thanks to Hannah." 


When we lose touch with our true self we also lose touch with our purpose, and our creative genius. Finding the true self is how you will find the purpose, motivation, and focus that you've been searching for.

True-Self Retrieval Quest: an immersive Astrological Photography experience

I use astrology as a road map to help you explore your true self, and photography to help you embody that self. 

My vocation is not just about photography. It is about using tools that help free people to be themselves. The tools I use happen to be (mainly) photography, and astrology.
Astrology allows you to imagine who you want to be, photography allows you to live that out.
At the base of everything I do is the idea that every single person on the planet has a unique and meaningful personality and purpose. When a person is fully living into that personality and purpose, they are happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.

The combination of photography and astrology is a potent one. Usually when we take time to reflect on who we are, it is a strictly mental process. We don't really get the chance to intentionally put our reflections into practice. By using astrology to reflect on the self, and then applying those reflections to the creative act of building a photoshoot, we bridge the gap between the mind and the body. Not only do you cognitively know who you are, you also "know" who you are in an embodied and therefore more holistic way.

My Signature Method

Get the guide now

 Upgrade your posing game and show up with confidence in every photo you take!

The Secret To Posing Is Hidden In Your Rising Sign